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Swimming Competition

Swimming Competition

Imagine being able to organize your very own competition activities, complete with all the necessary equipment and accessories. Have you ever thought about having a custom medal for the winners? Perhaps one with a hook for easy display? Or maybe you’re considering adding whistles, clappers, or even flowers to the mix? Why limit yourself to choosing just one when you can have them all?

With the X-MAKER app, you can find these and even more options to make your activities truly unique. The first video below provides a detailed guide on how to design a personalized medal using X-MAKER app. Don’t hesitate, check it out now!

Once you’ve finished designing the most important part - the medals, it’s time to move on to the next step. The second video will give you more ideas about what else you can prepare for an activity, for example, swimming competition, using 3D printing technology. From creating unique trophies to designing custom whistles, the possibilities are endless. Click on the video below to discover more!

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